
Job vs. Career

Address Card Favor

Since I've been discussing graduation a lot recently, I thought you might be curious about my post-grad plans. Well, despite lots of searching over the past semester, I haven't found a full-time job yet. Thankfully, my job in the campus computer lab {which I've had since sophomore year} lasts until the end of August. It's not very busy during the summer, which gives me plenty of time for job hunting. Surprisingly, for a type-A planner like myself, I'm not worried about finding something. Why?

- I trust in God's plan. I don't expect a job to just fall into my lap by any means, but I know that if I search diligently I will find something by the end of the summer.

- Adam is the breadwinner in our family. Yes, he is still a college student, but with his scholarships and research job, he makes enough to provide for all of our needs.

- I'm looking for a job, not a career.

My family has made fun of me because I've changed my career ideas/plans countless times. But I've always known exactly what I want to do with my life - be a mom.

One day, we'll have a baby and I will become a stay-at-home mom. Only God {and to some extent, Adam and I} knows when that time will be. Until then, I will work to build up our savings, buy a car and maybe take a vacation. Ideally, I'd love to do something in nonprofit fund-raising because I had three summer internships in that field during college. But I'm really just looking for something full-time, above minimum wage and preferably not in food service.

We hope and plan to have a large family. Again, only God {and the two of us, to some extent} knows what the number will be. But I'd like to go back to work when our youngest child is old enough. I should still be able to have a career of twenty-ish years. I think it would be fun to be a history teacher or a librarian. But who knows what our life will be like then? Only time will tell.


  1. Good post Caitlin! I am there with you in another year ... no idea what I'll do after I graduate from grad school, but I'm not too worried about it. :)

    I don't want a "career" either, for the same reasons, although I hope that I'll always write, before, after, and during having kids in the house.

  2. I love that picture of you and Adam. I hope it's framed or on display somewhere in your home.


You are awesome.