
Spring Cleaning

I mentioned on Friday that spring cleaning is in full swing around here. My plan is to clean one room a week over four weeks.

Lately, I've swapped my cleaning supplies for a few cheaper and greener alternatives. Here are my new cleaning essentials:

Cleaning Supplies

Vinegar, baking soda, mild soap {I use Dr. Bronner's but any dish soap will do} and spray bottles {$1 in the gardening section at Ikea}.

1. All Purpose Cleaner = 2 tablespoons soap + 2 cups water

2. Bathroom Cleaner = soap + baking soda until you get a thick paste

3. Abrasive Cleaner = 1/4 cup baking soda + 3/4 cups water

4. Glass Cleaner = 1 cup vinegar + 1 cup water

5. Drain Cleaner = 1/2 cup baking soda + 1/2 cup vinegar + boiling water

And that's it! I also like to keep some rags and old-fashioned cloth diapers {the best dusters around} in my little cleaning arsenal.

My secret to not dying of boredom while spring cleaning is audio books. Right now, I'm listening to Bringing Up Bebe, which is all about French parenting. Very interesting!

P.S. What is your least favorite thing to clean? Mine is most definitely our cheap venetian blinds. They are so hard to get clean and not too pretty to look at either. I am determined to get rid of them in our next apartment.


  1. While I'm definitely not a fan of anything I have to scrub (kitchens and bathrooms namely), dishes are still my least favorite thing ever in the world.

  2. Blinds are definitely a pain! Luckily we don't have many of them in this apartment ...


You are awesome.