Sometimes when we're bored in the late afternoon, we pick up Daddy from work. That way he doesn't have to take the bus home and we kill some time during what has to be the longest part of the day!
Sometimes while we're there, we help Daddy do some programming.
Or we answer the phones.
But, let's be honest, we're really there for the free drinks!

When we're not picking up Daddy and it's at all nice outside, we usually spend our late afternoons at the park. We have a play structure in our apartment complex and a city park just a few blocks away. Although now that fall is in full swing, the play equipment never really gets a chance to dry, so we've learned to come with towels.

The swing is always her go-to playground activity.

I may or may not have almost got stuck in that tire swing. Too pregnant!

I may perhaps be a little obsessed with taking pictures of Claire reading. She really doesn't read independently that often, though. Mostly she uses my favorite "ehh, ehh, ehh" to request that we pore over the same stack of board books again and again. But reading is one of my favorite activities to do with kids and I certainly don't mind the extra snuggles, so it all works out.

While Claire's main obsession continues to be The Sound of Music. Watching the songs is about a once a week treat when Mom really needs to get stuff done, like wash the couch slipcover.
Claire loves, loves, loves to help. Whether it's carrying in the groceries...

Or moving the cutlery from the dishwasher to its drawer.

She used to be terrified of the vacuum cleaner, but she's changed her tune since I found her a vacuum of her very own for $3 at Goodwill.

Sometimes her helpfulness isn't really that helpful, like when she offered {more like strongly insisted} to carry the basket at Trader Joe's yesterday.
She also loves to be just like Mommy. And, okay, maybe I love that too. These matching aprons are from Anthropologie. I actually already had one for Claire, but purchased a second for Maggie so they're not fighting over them one day.

Sometimes she runs back to grab her purse right as we're about to leave. It's pretty much the cutest.

She gets so excited to brush our teeth together in the mornings, although she's a little bit of a toothbrush stealer!

At the end of music class each week, the teacher gives out stamps. Claire is admiring hers in the picture above.

And she's also gotten interested in art projects lately, as evidenced by her very first watercolor masterpiece above.

So, I thought, "hey, let's try stamping!" which turned out to be a very messy idea indeed, since Claire thinks stamps belong on your body, not paper. And why use a stamp when you can just use the whole ink pad?

Some of my favorite moments are playing in our bed together on lazy mornings.

We are all getting so excited to meet Maggie! My super sweet blog friend, Lindsey Jo, surprised us with the cutest handmade sister shirts. I can't wait to put our TWO daughters in them!

In preparation, one day while folding the laundry, Claire insisted that we practice our swaddling.

Before Maggie's even born, Claire has been stealing her sister's clothes. For her doll...

When we got the Baby Bjorn out of storage, Claire grabbed it and ran off to find her doll. I guess she remembers what its for!

We put the baby swing together over the weekend and it looks like Claire may have remembered that as well. We meant to teach her that it's not for big girls to sit in, but that she can put her stuffed animals in there. But it was early and we were tired and sometimes it's just really hard to be consistent, you know? Luckily she seems to have gotten bored with it already.
Just for kicks, a few random pictures.

Daydreaming in a diaper.

Baby + bucket = instant cuteness.

Little Miss Piggy.

Stole a strawberry at Costco and didn't feel the least bit guilty about it.

Stopping to smell the roses.

Her face as we drove through the gas station car wash. A little alarmed, maybe?
And, lastly, some recent videos.
Dancing to the ballet scene from An American in Paris.
Claire in a box.
Helping Mama with the vacuuming.
Hiding in the bookshelf.
I think Adam has a couple more cute videos on his phone that I'll have to get from him tonight. So, grandparents, check back!

When we're not picking up Daddy and it's at all nice outside, we usually spend our late afternoons at the park. We have a play structure in our apartment complex and a city park just a few blocks away. Although now that fall is in full swing, the play equipment never really gets a chance to dry, so we've learned to come with towels.

The swing is always her go-to playground activity.

I may or may not have almost got stuck in that tire swing. Too pregnant!

I may perhaps be a little obsessed with taking pictures of Claire reading. She really doesn't read independently that often, though. Mostly she uses my favorite "ehh, ehh, ehh" to request that we pore over the same stack of board books again and again. But reading is one of my favorite activities to do with kids and I certainly don't mind the extra snuggles, so it all works out.

While Claire's main obsession continues to be The Sound of Music. Watching the songs is about a once a week treat when Mom really needs to get stuff done, like wash the couch slipcover.

Claire loves, loves, loves to help. Whether it's carrying in the groceries...

Or moving the cutlery from the dishwasher to its drawer.

She used to be terrified of the vacuum cleaner, but she's changed her tune since I found her a vacuum of her very own for $3 at Goodwill.

Sometimes her helpfulness isn't really that helpful, like when she offered {more like strongly insisted} to carry the basket at Trader Joe's yesterday.

She also loves to be just like Mommy. And, okay, maybe I love that too. These matching aprons are from Anthropologie. I actually already had one for Claire, but purchased a second for Maggie so they're not fighting over them one day.

Sometimes she runs back to grab her purse right as we're about to leave. It's pretty much the cutest.

She gets so excited to brush our teeth together in the mornings, although she's a little bit of a toothbrush stealer!

At the end of music class each week, the teacher gives out stamps. Claire is admiring hers in the picture above.

And she's also gotten interested in art projects lately, as evidenced by her very first watercolor masterpiece above.

So, I thought, "hey, let's try stamping!" which turned out to be a very messy idea indeed, since Claire thinks stamps belong on your body, not paper. And why use a stamp when you can just use the whole ink pad?

Some of my favorite moments are playing in our bed together on lazy mornings.

We are all getting so excited to meet Maggie! My super sweet blog friend, Lindsey Jo, surprised us with the cutest handmade sister shirts. I can't wait to put our TWO daughters in them!

In preparation, one day while folding the laundry, Claire insisted that we practice our swaddling.

Before Maggie's even born, Claire has been stealing her sister's clothes. For her doll...

When we got the Baby Bjorn out of storage, Claire grabbed it and ran off to find her doll. I guess she remembers what its for!

We put the baby swing together over the weekend and it looks like Claire may have remembered that as well. We meant to teach her that it's not for big girls to sit in, but that she can put her stuffed animals in there. But it was early and we were tired and sometimes it's just really hard to be consistent, you know? Luckily she seems to have gotten bored with it already.
Just for kicks, a few random pictures.

Daydreaming in a diaper.

Baby + bucket = instant cuteness.

Little Miss Piggy.

Stole a strawberry at Costco and didn't feel the least bit guilty about it.

Stopping to smell the roses.

Her face as we drove through the gas station car wash. A little alarmed, maybe?
And, lastly, some recent videos.
Dancing to the ballet scene from An American in Paris.
Claire in a box.
Helping Mama with the vacuuming.
Hiding in the bookshelf.
I think Adam has a couple more cute videos on his phone that I'll have to get from him tonight. So, grandparents, check back!
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