With my family coming to visit in just a few weeks, it was high time we got the guest room organized. Well, it's really the guest room + where Maggie takes all her naps + where Maggie gets moved to at some point during the night when one girl wakes up another girl.
When we do have guests utilizing the space, we'll move the pack-n-play into our room.
We found the best mattress set deal from Macy's and ordered a basic metal bed frame from Amazon. We already had one of these quilts (from Garnet Hill) on the twin bed in the nursery in our old apartment, but I scored another one on Ebay to match!
The dresser that used to be in our closet in the apartment fits nicely between the beds. I don't really love the look of it, but it's in perfect shape and it fits the space so nicely. I think it will look a better with some cute knobs. One day.

The lamp is from Target, since there's no overhead lighting in the room. We just stuck our wedding shadowbox in here for now until we hang a shelf in our room for it. We subscribe to Seattle Met and I thought it'd be fun to put some of the old editions in here for guests to peruse.

The room is pretty tiny, but there's just enough room to get into the closet, which is mostly empty except for a few boxes of bigger toddler clothes and our winter coats. When baby numero tres comes along, Claire and Maggie will share this room. So we're trying to keep that in mind when considering decor choices and, you know, not filling up their future closet with junk.

I really should have taken some before pictures of the garage. It was pretty ridiculous. Allison can vouch for us. The after pictures aren't particularly great; it's still a garage after all, but it's so much then where we were a month ago. This is the laundry area. I loooooove our new washer and dryer.

On the other side of the door, we have an old entertainment center stuffed with lots of picture frames. Aka our new two projects - hanging art on the walls and then making the girls a play kitchen. One day we'd like to have an upright freezer and a workbench there instead.

The rest of that side of the garage is occupied by our trusty Kia Forte. We are used to two-car garages having just one big garage door, but ours (as well as most of our neighbors) has two tiny doors instead. It's kind of a tight squeeze just getting our little car in the door and makes us wonder if a minivan would fit inside...
Not that we've actually measured. We just wonder about it quite often.

The lamp is from Target, since there's no overhead lighting in the room. We just stuck our wedding shadowbox in here for now until we hang a shelf in our room for it. We subscribe to Seattle Met and I thought it'd be fun to put some of the old editions in here for guests to peruse.

The room is pretty tiny, but there's just enough room to get into the closet, which is mostly empty except for a few boxes of bigger toddler clothes and our winter coats. When baby numero tres comes along, Claire and Maggie will share this room. So we're trying to keep that in mind when considering decor choices and, you know, not filling up their future closet with junk.

I really should have taken some before pictures of the garage. It was pretty ridiculous. Allison can vouch for us. The after pictures aren't particularly great; it's still a garage after all, but it's so much then where we were a month ago. This is the laundry area. I loooooove our new washer and dryer.

On the other side of the door, we have an old entertainment center stuffed with lots of picture frames. Aka our new two projects - hanging art on the walls and then making the girls a play kitchen. One day we'd like to have an upright freezer and a workbench there instead.

The rest of that side of the garage is occupied by our trusty Kia Forte. We are used to two-car garages having just one big garage door, but ours (as well as most of our neighbors) has two tiny doors instead. It's kind of a tight squeeze just getting our little car in the door and makes us wonder if a minivan would fit inside...
Not that we've actually measured. We just wonder about it quite often.

The other side of the garage is just storage - bikes, double stroller, garbage cans, luggage, Christmas decorations, a folding table and chairs. The usual.

As well as a pile of stuff we're trying to sell on Craig's List. One of these days.
That leaves us with one area of our new place left untouched. And it might just be work than everything else put together - the backyard. I made a little video tour to demonstrate how much needs to be done.
We have no landscaping experience and no baby-free time (when it's light outside, at least) so this should be interesting...
I hear you on the backyard. We are so excited to have one but right now it's basically an overgrown, tick-infested field. The animals love it at least ... We own a lawn mower but haven't had much time to use it.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome that you have those fruit trees!