1. I'm sure you're all dying to know the results of my online shopping binge following this post. The verdict? Loved the dresses and the Boden top (I went with the gray and yellow) but the Land's End swimsuit was way too revealing. So now it's back to the drawing board. I still really love this one from Rey Swimwear, but they're sold out of bra supports at the moment. I think I'm going to take my sister-in-law, Jenn's, advice and order a whole bunch from Zappos to try on. Also, I got a Boden catalog in the mail this week and kind of fell in love with this top. Definitely keeping an eye out for it to hit the sale section.

2. We had the most beautiful weather this week. Sunny skies and temperatures nearing eighty. We spent as much time outdoors as we could and I even got to dress the girls in the cutest little yellow polka dot rompers. But, of course, this is what the forecast looks like next week. Welcome to spring in Seattle.

3. Maggie is old enough for the swings now, which has made the playground so much more fun! She was pretty ambivalent during her first experience:
But she's enjoying it more and more:
I just realized how dark that video is. Oops. Claire is loving Maggie being able to do some of the same things as here, like sitting next to her in the cart at Costco. And as much as I like Ergo, I'm happy not to have to use it quite so often.

4. When we rented this house, our landlords gave us the expectation that we'd have to spend $100 a month hiring someone to take care of the lawn. But it turns out they're fine with us doing it ourselves, which means we're really renting this house for only $50 more a month than we were paying for our apartment. Adam bought a push mower on Craig's List since it's easy to use while Claire's playing outside. I guess it's a pretty unusual sight, though, because when he was doing the front yard last weekend our next-door neighbor asked him if he'd like to borrow their electric mower!

5. I feel like I've had things spinning around in my head for a while now, so last night I started writing out a packing list for our big trip back east next month. When I showed it to Adam, he said that he needed to start working out more so he'll be able to carry everything into the airport! Oh, this shall be an adventure...

6. Let's talk season finales. We loved Parks & Rec's and Brooklyn 99's. They both got us so excited for the next seasons. I'm really hoping Parenthood's means that Joel and Julia are reconciling. It's been hard to watch ever since their separation and that scene where Sydney was begging her Dad not to leave was just heart-breaking. But will Parenthood even get another season?

7. Well, my copy of Something Other Than God finally arrived today and I can't wait to dive in. Have a fantastic weekend and go see Jen for more quick takes!
Great pics! What a cutie:)
ReplyDeleteHi! I've read for a while but have never commented. We watch the same TV shows! I felt that the Parenthood finale seemed like a series finale, so I looked it up after I watched it. Its prediction is “renewal predicted” so I hope it does get another season so Joel and Julia can reunite!