top row: late night snack at Hey Cupcake! after the cocktail party///chicken biscuits - the breakfast of champions///stumbled upon the famous Austin mural on Saturday morning///shopping at Anthro///middle row: only at (the flagship) Whole Foods///a peaceful Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral///all dolled up for the Saturday night bash///we sure love a good photo booth///bottom row: last minute stop at Amy's Ice Cream on Sunday///reading a book (gasp!) not on my phone///the girls' Texas souvenirs///boy, was it good to be back
This past weekend, I traveled to Austin for a Catholic moms' conference, The Edel Gathering. I haven't flown anywhere by myself since freshman year of college. The trip got off to a bumpy start when I promptly left half my pump in security. Luckily, the easily and not expensively replaced parts. This was the first time convincing my sister to grab a last-minute ticket came in handy - she stopped at Target for replacements and met me at the airport when I landed.
The rest of the trip was fun, fun, fun. Except for the part when I had the hardest time falling asleep without Adam next to me. My chance to get a full eight hours! Before this, we'd only been apart for one night since our wedding. And I didn't get a lot of sleep that night either...
But, I loved getting to meet a few of my favorite bloggers - Kate, Christy, Jenny, Lisa, Blair. I laughed during Haley's hilarious talk and cried during Jen's inspiring keynote. Mostly, I just had a really great time getting to hang out with Allison.
I came back to Seattle relaxed, refreshed, and more in love with my little family (slash the amazing 75 degree weather up here). It didn't hurt that my babies were so happy to see me and that Adam did such a fantastic job holding down the fort. He even did some yard work, you guys.
Caitlin! It was so great meeting you this weekend, I'm honored to be included in your list of favorite bloggers. Your girls are so cute! Enjoy that 75 degree weather.