We celebrated Claire's baptism day! We stuck her baptism candle in a chocolate cake from Trader Joe's and sang, "happy baptism day to you." We also give our kids a small gift. We were planning to give her a cash register (a vintage Fisher Price one from my childhood) because she's all of sudden very interesting in playing "store." But she really, really wanted an Elsa doll and created this whole narrative about how she had a baby named in Elsa in her tummy that was going to come out on her baptism day. She talked about this nearly every day for weeks. As much as I'd like to avoid more princess paraphernalia entering our home, I didn't want to disappoint her over a $10 doll, so to the Disney Store we went.

Adam and I went on a date! We went out for Indian food, something we hadn't done since college, and then found the cutest gourmet candy store in the Alderwood Mall. Who knew champagne flavored gummy bears were so delicious? We saw the hilarious Love & Friendship, based on a Jane Austen novella. It was such a fantastic evening. Our friend, Linnea, who usually watches the girls for us, is currently climbing Mount Rainier! Basically, she's the best.

Claire and Maggie got their hair cut short again. We try to take them to the kids' salon twice a year, in the fall and the spring. They were due for a haircut in April but said they wanted to keep growing it out. Well, as the weeks went on, they protested having their hair done more and more. I told them they wouldn't have to endure this torture if they got their hair cut, which they quickly agreed to. I had braid their hair one more time before they got bobs! They've been playing hair salon with their dolls frequently since this event.

We picked strawberries one weekend and raspberries the next at Remlinger Farms in Carnation. We did strawberries first and might have been a little overzealous. We made three quarts of strawberry chocolate chip ice cream, four dozen strawberry muffins, two different strawberry cakes, strawberry smoothies, and strawberry lemonade. We restrained ourselves a bit with the raspberries and had just enough to make three quarts of our absolute favorite ice cream, raspberry cookies & cream.

I've been faithfully going to Pure Barre one evening a week since the beginning of May. Ideally, I would like go two or three times a week. But since I've started we've had another evening function every week and we can't really handle having more than two evenings occupied right now. We have to spend the rest of the evenings doing chores to keep our household afloat! Well, except for Fridays, when we usually crash on the couch as soon as the kids are in bed, proud to have made it through another week.
Gretchen Rubin's work on habits has taught me a lot about myself when it comes to health. I am an obliger, which means I need external accountability. Pure Barre works well for me because I have to go once I've signed up for a class otherwise I'll lose money. And I can't slack off once I'm there! If I was just going to the gym, it would be so hard to make myself go in the first place and once I was there I would be tempted to just do the easiest thing. I'm also an abstainer, as opposed to a moderator, which basically means I can't keep any junk food around because I have no willpower. The only kid snacks stocked in our pantry are goldfish and Fig Newtons because they're the only options I won't eat. I'm not the kind of person who will carefully eat one square of a dark chocolate bar every day to fully savor it. I'm the kind of person who will grab a handful of my children's animal crackers every time I walk through the kitchen.

Claire and Maggie got their hair cut short again. We try to take them to the kids' salon twice a year, in the fall and the spring. They were due for a haircut in April but said they wanted to keep growing it out. Well, as the weeks went on, they protested having their hair done more and more. I told them they wouldn't have to endure this torture if they got their hair cut, which they quickly agreed to. I had braid their hair one more time before they got bobs! They've been playing hair salon with their dolls frequently since this event.

We picked strawberries one weekend and raspberries the next at Remlinger Farms in Carnation. We did strawberries first and might have been a little overzealous. We made three quarts of strawberry chocolate chip ice cream, four dozen strawberry muffins, two different strawberry cakes, strawberry smoothies, and strawberry lemonade. We restrained ourselves a bit with the raspberries and had just enough to make three quarts of our absolute favorite ice cream, raspberry cookies & cream.

I've been faithfully going to Pure Barre one evening a week since the beginning of May. Ideally, I would like go two or three times a week. But since I've started we've had another evening function every week and we can't really handle having more than two evenings occupied right now. We have to spend the rest of the evenings doing chores to keep our household afloat! Well, except for Fridays, when we usually crash on the couch as soon as the kids are in bed, proud to have made it through another week.
Gretchen Rubin's work on habits has taught me a lot about myself when it comes to health. I am an obliger, which means I need external accountability. Pure Barre works well for me because I have to go once I've signed up for a class otherwise I'll lose money. And I can't slack off once I'm there! If I was just going to the gym, it would be so hard to make myself go in the first place and once I was there I would be tempted to just do the easiest thing. I'm also an abstainer, as opposed to a moderator, which basically means I can't keep any junk food around because I have no willpower. The only kid snacks stocked in our pantry are goldfish and Fig Newtons because they're the only options I won't eat. I'm not the kind of person who will carefully eat one square of a dark chocolate bar every day to fully savor it. I'm the kind of person who will grab a handful of my children's animal crackers every time I walk through the kitchen.
I really wanted a swimsuit with a real built-in bra, so I ordered this tankini top and this swim skirt. I haven't tested it out in the water yet, but I think it will be a winner. I also wanted a fancier nursing friendly dress to wear to my cousin's wedding later this summer, so I ordered this faux-wrap dress. I'm definitely not one to shy away from bright colors! Online shopping is the way to go, especially with stores like Zappos and Nordstrom that offer free shipping both ways.
My favorite part of most days is when the chores are done, the house is quiet, and I can watch a funny show with Adam. Even if that ritual no longer involves a nightly bowl of ice cream, a habit we indulged all during my pregnancy and Betsy's infancy. (We're cutting ourselves back to just weekends.) Now that our favorite shows are on hiatus for the summer, we subscribed to HBO Go so that we could watch Veep and Silicon Valley. We also really loved Dr. Thorne on Amazon Prime. Have you heard that Daniel Tiger is leaving Netflix at the end of the week? A friend recommended The Hive as a good replacement - it's a British show about a family of bumblebees. Claire and Maggie are big fans so far. Which is saying a lot, because they really, really love Daniel Tiger!
Today was marias baptism day! We celebrated by making cookies :-) I only just heard about Love & Friendship... So you'd recommend? I'll have to get it on video probably as I doubt my husband will go for it haha. Also- I'm absolutely the same way about snacking :-/
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