My dear friend Abigail and I met during Adam's senior year at Pitt. I had just graduated and was working as a nanny. Abigail and her husband, Tim, were serving as Focus missionaries. When we found out that we were expecting our first children a week apart, we instantly bonded.
(With two other greatly missed friends, Kelly and Rosemary.)
When Claire ended up arriving a month early, Abigail and Tim came right to the hospital to keep us company until we could finally visit her in the NICU.
When Amelia made her exit right on time, we couldn't wait to introduce the girls! We've really missed those guys since moving to Seattle, but we've actually gotten to see them three times this year.

(Mamas and babies, one year later.)
In January, we visited them in Pittsburgh.

We both happened to be visiting family in Houston in May.

And last week, Abigail and Amelia came to visit! We mostly just hung around our place, snuggling the baby and letting the two silly toddlers get in lots of quality play time. We only ventured out to Trader Joe's and to meet Adam for lunch at work. (For other one-car families: Amelia also has a Diono Radian car seat. We figured out that two of those and an infant seat can definitely fit in the back of a Kia Forte! But the infant seat has to go on the side.)

A rare quiet moment captured.

Babes in baskets.

Decompressing with some Daniel Tiger and applesauce pouches.

One afternoon, Libby (a fellow Pittsburgh-to-Seattle transplant) and her daughter, Paige, came over to join in the fun!

Another afternoon, we brought out homemade play dough to occupy the girls during that post-nap, pre-dinner lull.

Amelia and Claire wore each other out and both went to bed early every night, giving the grown-ups plenty of time to catch up! We just had the best time. I'm so, so thankful Abigail graciously offered to fly across the country with a toddler in tow.

We remembered to grab a picture of the two of us right before they left for the airport, an occasion Amelia and Claire were really not looking forward to.

We've all certainly come a long way in the last eighteen months! Tim and Abigail are actually serving as missionaries in Nashville now. One day, we are going to return the favor and pay them another visit. And, Lindsey Jo, we're going to hit you up while we're there, okay?

(Mamas and babies, one year later.)
In January, we visited them in Pittsburgh.

We both happened to be visiting family in Houston in May.

And last week, Abigail and Amelia came to visit! We mostly just hung around our place, snuggling the baby and letting the two silly toddlers get in lots of quality play time. We only ventured out to Trader Joe's and to meet Adam for lunch at work. (For other one-car families: Amelia also has a Diono Radian car seat. We figured out that two of those and an infant seat can definitely fit in the back of a Kia Forte! But the infant seat has to go on the side.)

A rare quiet moment captured.

Babes in baskets.

Decompressing with some Daniel Tiger and applesauce pouches.

One afternoon, Libby (a fellow Pittsburgh-to-Seattle transplant) and her daughter, Paige, came over to join in the fun!

Another afternoon, we brought out homemade play dough to occupy the girls during that post-nap, pre-dinner lull.

Amelia and Claire wore each other out and both went to bed early every night, giving the grown-ups plenty of time to catch up! We just had the best time. I'm so, so thankful Abigail graciously offered to fly across the country with a toddler in tow.

We remembered to grab a picture of the two of us right before they left for the airport, an occasion Amelia and Claire were really not looking forward to.

We've all certainly come a long way in the last eighteen months! Tim and Abigail are actually serving as missionaries in Nashville now. One day, we are going to return the favor and pay them another visit. And, Lindsey Jo, we're going to hit you up while we're there, okay?
i'll seriously be mad if you come to nashville and don't see us!