
Day in the Life

Monday was my first full day home alone with the girls. Just like I did when Claire was a newborn, then a six-month-old, and then a one-year-old, I thought I'd document the day.  So, here's a day in the life with a newborn and an eighteen-months-ish toddler.

2:15 - Wake up to feed Maggie.

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3:15 - Adam continues rocking Maggie and ends up giving her a bottle of pumped milk. She's asleep in the pack-n-play by 4:00.

5:00 - Maggie starts fussing. Adam burps her and then puts her in bed with us.

7:30 - Wake up for the day, very surprised at how late it is. Feed Maggie.

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8:00 - Adam wakes up.

8:05 - Claire wakes up.

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8:30 - Eat breakfast. I stick Maggie in the swing, but she starts fussing within a couple minutes, so we take turns holding her as we eat.

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Day in the Life 11/25

9:00 - Claire tags along with me to make the bed and get dressed, while Adam holds Maggie and cleans up from breakfast.
9:20 - Give the girls a bath. Adam leaves for work.

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Day in the Life 11/25

9:40 - Feed Maggie while Claire watches Daniel Tiger.

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10:05 - Start working on leaving the house.

10:20 - Everyone is buckled into the car. I realize we're almost out of gas.

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10:30 - Arrive at indoor playground. Claire has a blast playing with all the great (and large!) toys we don't have at home. Maggie sleeps in my arms and eats again.

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Day in the Life 11/25

11:30 - Decide its time to leave the playground.

11:40 - Actually leave. The gas light comes on as we're pulling into the apartment complex.

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11:50 - Back at home. Maggie is still sleeping in the car seat and Claire is happy to play independently, so I fold the laundry that's been sitting in the dryer since the night before.

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12:10 - Claire starts whining for lunch. Read some Robert Munsch books to her while she eats.

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12:45 - Change her diaper, sing a couple songs, and put her down for a nap.
12:50 - Claire's asleep, Maggie is starting to stir. Hurry to get the place tidied up (in hopes of vacuuming after nap time) before she wakes up.
1:00 - Feed Maggie while I eat lunch.
1:30 - Strap Maggie into baby carrier while I prep dinner.

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1:40 - Maggie's asleep, so I sit down at the computer to edit some photos.

2:00 - Claire wakes up, an hour earlier than usual. She's happily chatting to herself, so I stay put.

2:20 - Claire starts whining. I rescue her from the crib. We vacuum.

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Day in the Life 11/25

2:40 - Claire has a snack and watches Super Why. I try to pump but end up feeding Maggie.

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3:10 - Get out the activity gym for Maggie. She doesn't like Claire joining her under it and wants to eat again. Claire plays independently but keeps getting frustrated about every single thing. She's trying to put her shoes on, but can't. She's trying to buckle her doll into Maggie's car seat, but can't. Such is the life of a toddler.
3:35 - Both girls get a diaper change. Maggie wants to eat some more. Claire continues playing/getting frustrated about various things.

4:00 - Give Maggie a few minutes of tummy time. Get ready to leave the house.

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4:25 - Finally buckled in the car after getting the mail. We get gas so we don't have to before running errands the following morning. While we're out, we decide to pick up Adam from work so he doesn't have to take the bus home.

4:55 - Feed Maggie in Adam's office.

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5:10 - Leave office and head home.

5:30 - Get home. Heat up dinner and put away laundry while Adam entertains Claire. Maggie naps in her car seat.
6:00 - Claire whines at my feet while I put food on everyone's plates.

6:05 - We sit down to eat dinner - macaroni, sausage, broccoli for the grown-ups, and pineapple for Claire.

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6:30 - We get up from the table. Claire makes us laugh by trying to nurse her baby doll.


6:35 - Claire throws her last fit of the evening. I do the dishes while Adam gets her ready for bed.

6:45 - We read stories and say prayers.

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7:00 - Claire goes to bed. Maggie wakes up. I feed her while Adam makes the lunches for tomorrow and starts the laundry and dishwasher.

7:40 - Adam holds Maggie while talking to one of his brothers on the phone. I make a grocery list, take a shower, spray some cloth diapers, and write a couple thank you notes.

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9:30 - I feed Maggie and watch Friends. Adam finishes up some work.

10:15 - Give Maggie to Adam. Pump while watching another Friends episode, empty the dishwasher, and turn on the dryer.

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10:45 - Lights out, for a few hours at least.

This was actually a relatively calm day. Tuesday was a bit crazier. I took the girls to Trader Joe's and the regular grocery store (they're right next door to each other, but still) and then ended up passing out on the couch at 8:00 pm...


  1. Great job, momma! :)

  2. Great job, momma! :)

  3. You are doing awesome!! I almost had an accidental first-day-by-myself today because I told my mom Keith wasn't going to work today and he was! I'm hoping she arrives before the babies wake up. :)


You are awesome.