7:00 - My alarm goes off. I immediately turn it off and fall back asleep.
7:40 - Claire walks in and wakes us up. Adam gets Maggie out of her crib and both girls climb into bed with us.
8:00 - We finally get out of bed. Adam changes diapers and empties the dishwasher. I make toast, eggs, bacon, and strawberries for breakfast. We sit down to eat.
8:40 - We finish eating. I clean up, defrost meat and tortillas for dinner, and make the beds. Adam packs his lunch and gets ready. The girls are obsessed with letters lately, so they play with their name puzzles and magnetic alphabet.
9:00 - We say the morning offering and Adam leaves for work. I get ready myself, get the girls dressed, and refill snack cups and water bottles. I'm pretty against morning snack, but we're meeting our church playgroup at the park this morning and everyone else brings snacks for their kids, so I don't really have a choice but to let them munch on Goldfish.
9:40 - We load into the van and stop at the drugstore around the corner to pick up some photos. We've been looking for some kid-size umbrellas for the winter and happen to see some by the cash. Perfect!
10:00 - We arrive at the park. Turns out we're the first ones here.
10:30-10:45 -Three more families trickle in.
11:45 - We leave, staying later than optimal because everyone else was late.
12:00 - We arrive home. There's lots of whining and some yelling as I quickly prepare lunch - cheese sticks, peanut butter crackers, a slice of ham, pickles, and leftover strawberries from breakfast. While the girls are eating, I take out the trash and start a load of laundry left from our beach trip yesterday.

12:30 - I'm requested to change the girls into dress up clothes and turn on some princess music. While they're dancing, I make myself a sandwich with chicken salad leftover from yesterday's picnic and eat while reading blogs.

1:20 - Claire is tucked into bed. We'll see if she opts for sleeping or quiet time. I quickly clean up the toys and say the Angelus.

1:40 - Computer time. I put in our milk order for delivery tomorrow morning, update our budget in Mint, send postagrams to our grandparents, order a new hairbrush on Amazon, and then finish writing a blog post. Claire comes out a couple times asking if she can be done with quiet time, but eventually busies herself with the dollhouse.

3:40 - I turn on Franklin and give the girls their milk cups and a Fig Newton. I start assembling taco fixings for dinner while talking to mom and sister on the phone.

4:30 - Their show is over and the girls immediately come into the kitchen and whine about wanting some of the cheese I'm grating. Note to self: don't leave that step for last! I quickly wrap up the conversation with my mom and finish dinner prep.
5:30 - Daddy's home! We go inside, put the leaf in the table since we've invited a guest tonight. Claire helps Adam set the table while I saute some peppers and onions.
5:50 - Our friend Steven arrives.
6:00 - We sit down to dinner and ask Steven to be the new baby's godfather. (We asked Adam's sister, Katie, to be the godmother when she was here visiting a few weeks ago.)

6:50 - Adam and I quickly load the dishwasher and wipe the table while Steven is requested to change the girls into dress up clothes again.
8:00 - The children are in bed and fall asleep pretty much immediately. We talk with Steven and enjoy the ice cream he brought over.
10:45 - We all realize how late it is and say goodnight. After Steven leaves, we each take a quick shower. Hooray for two bathrooms!
11:00 - We watch an episode of House Hunters International on Netflix. We are so ready for our favorite shows to return in September.

11:30 - Prayers and lights out. I'm 90% sure I fell asleep while we were praying together...
P.S. Lots more day in the life posts right here! I feel like I should point out that Adam's commute is only a ten-minute bike ride each way, which we are all so grateful for. Also, his product just launched at work, so they're a little less busy at the moment.
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